love this shot of kate...without the beret just becomes gratuitous, but the beret turns it into a fashion shot....amazing how one small item of clothing/ accessory can change a picture totally! i think it's by peter linbergh...looks like him anyway!
i absolutely love these pics of emily blunt, shot by ruven afanador for the la times magazine! i'm a big fan of tonal shoots...and this is a masterclass...emily looks amazing! i went to the opening of ruvens new show at fahey klein tonight and it is stunning! if you're in la you should really check it out.
robert nesta marley would have been 65 tomorrow...i wish here was here to celebrate it, but wonder what he would have made of the world today? regardless, he gave us some of the most spirtual, insightful, danceable music of all time...if i'm in need of inspiration, i always end up reaching for one of his discs...happy birthday bob, we miss you!
to me, one of the best magazines around...if you like the sartorialist blog, then, gentlemen, you'll love this... sartorial to the very core, not a wrongly buttoned garment in sight! pure over-indulgence at it's best!!
junya watanabe comes up with another amazing left-field collaboration...this time with mackintosh. adding a silk velvet collar to the trench is a great twist! i've always loved jw's collaborations, especially this and the lewis leathers collection from a few years back...them japanese..they still got it!!!