Monday, January 31, 2011

daily inspiration #109

life is all in the details..

Sunday, January 30, 2011

daily inspiration #108

i don't think i've ever blogged so many pictures about one thing, and  know i'm a week late on this nearly,  (and think this is the first womens post!), but john galliano's couture show for dior is so phenominal that i had a really hard time narrowing down the photos! i love the old glamour of it all, with pat macgrath's makeup and stephen jones hats, it's just insane! not going to put chanels effort up to show the comparison, but it really pales! nice one john...and you still owe me a dress for the mrs!!!

Friday, January 28, 2011

daily inspiration #107

i've been working with bespoke shoemaker george esquivel for a while now, having him make shoes for clients...he very kindly gave me these beautifully simple johannes the other day...the toe is hand burnished to give a richer feel...if you're in LA you should check his store out on 3rd street, behind douglas fir- shoe porn!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

daily inspiration #106

lust. pure and simple...i'm a suit guy, and i want this shawl collared db suit from ysl a/w 2011 so badly i can't tell you!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

daily inspiration #105

from balmains a/w 2011 the way the whole collection is styled...all with these great layers that shouldn't work but do...really inspires me!

Monday, January 24, 2011

daily inspiration #104

love this guys style..
he's photographed by scott schumann a lot for his sartorialist blog. never seen a guy wear a neck scarf better...wish i could carry one off like this! i particularly like the combination of military shirt and scarf in the first pic.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

daily inspiration #103

some people are so unbelievably creative....and have far too much time on their hands! but kudos to the person who did this, great artistry, and if you saw supersize me, this skull has the potential to stay just like this for hundreds of years!

Monday, January 10, 2011

daily inspiration #102

love these billboards by jon jackson that have shown up in LA...would love to know if he's done other cities...very funny!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

daily inspiration #101

just beautiful!

daily inspiration #100

i've always loved the way light plays in a lens...this is a fantastic example, but really, i want to make 2011 more about green lights!